Welcome to my lair!
Definitely not run by a frog in a trenchcoat...
When I get a break from college, I'll update more! For now, check out my fren's site!
This site layout is courtesy of sadgrl's layout maker! Check her out here! (link inkcoming)
Winter Project!
I made a fur head!! i mean. its not FINISHED! but its a lot better than the last one. Click here for my full story on it lol.
:3 Some of my blinkies :33
All made using blinkie's cafe :333!! Click the button underneath or this to get to their site! Prommy its a whole load of fun!!

Frog uQuiz! Get assigned a frog in one minute!!
It's quick, it's free, and it's easy! Being assigned a frog!
the quiz is still being workshopped....i did add more but it didn't save TwT